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with Mrs. Ramey

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  1. You are expected to be on time. Be here early, so you are ready to start when class begins.

  2. You are expected to treat everyone in the class with an attitude of respect. This includes the language you use, the attitude you bring to class, and the way you respond when asked to do something in class.

  3. You are expected to complete every assignment to the best of your ability before you get to class. Once in class, you are expected to ask questions on anything that you do not understand.

  4. You are expected to use the entire block productively. This means paying attention/taking notes during times of lecture, actively participating in group work, using any extra time given to you in class to complete your daily work, start your homework, or review for upcoming quizzes and/or tests.

  5. Please limit time out of class for emergencies. Take care of your personal business on your own time.

  6. Cell phones and other electronic devices should be turned off and left in backpacks. If any device is seen or heard in the classroom, it will be taken from the student and punishment will be given based on the cell phone policy consequences rubric.



Check Edline to keep track of your grades or to contact me through email.  Please contact me if you need extra help. I am available during class work time, before and after school most days. Please check with me first so I will be available for you.


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